Choosing the Right Commercial Property Company

Nashville skyline photo Industrial Sweeping Retail Parking Lot Sweeping Construction Sweeping Parking Lot Sweeping Retail Sweeping Municipal Sweeping Street Sweeping Nashville TN

  Be Clear With What You Need One of the first things to know when looking for a property maintenance company is what your needs are and what your expectations for them will be. A thorough assessment of your property will clarify what you have to do. You should determine if you’ll need consistent property […]

Happy Holidays From CP Maintenance!

Merry Christmas Photo Construction Sweeping Street Sweeping Nashville TN

Here at CP Maintenance, we are big fans of the holiday season. December’s arrival means time spent with cherished loved ones, lots of festive celebrations, and a feeling of profound joy and anticipation. During this time of year that brings such joy and happiness, we are hard at work ramping up our service schedules for […]

Is It Time To Refresh Your Parking Lot Striping?

Nashville Tennessee's Official Parking Lot Cleaning and Sweeping Company Photo

Stripes and other traffic markings in your parking lots that are crisp and clear is one of the most immediately reliable ways to give a fresh appearance to your paved surfaces. If you are not sure whether fresh parking lot striping is the best move, consider your aesthetic objectives. Here are three good indicators that […]

It’s Almost Time For Spring Cleaning!

Sweeper Truck Photo Construction Sweeping Parking Lot Sweeping Retail Sweeping Municipal Sweeping Street Sweeping Nashville TN

Look no further than CP Maintenance! We offer a multitude of services that are the ideal answer for your outdoor cleaning needs. Your parking lots and driveways no longer need to remain cluttered by leftover litter, debris, sand, and gravel from winter’s inclement weather.  Our services can help you clean up and keep your facility cleaner […]

Sweeping In Winter-Should I Do It?

Winter Ice Melt Salt Photo Construction Sweeping Street Sweeping Nashville TN

For many people, the months following the rush of the holidays provide a season to recover, hibernate, and maybe, just maybe plan for the coming year. However, if you are managing any type of property or street, now is not the time to put your property maintenance on hold! Sure, traffic may have decreased slightly […]

Regular Power Sweeping Is The Best Practice For All Kinds Of Facilities

Nashville's official sweeping company truck photo

The signs of summer are all around us. Hot weather, humidity, outdoor activities and thunderstorms are all part of this season. As the season continues, these thunderstorms can lead to brief periods of very heavy rains. Trash, litter, and debris can clog storm drains and potentially make flooding fromthis fast accumulating summer precipitation much worse. […]

Warehouse Sweeping & Scrubbing

Warehouse sweeping warehouse scrubbing Construction Sweeping Parking Lot Sweeping Retail Sweeping Municipal Sweeping Street Sweeping Nashville TN

Clean Floors Have Multiple Benefits Periodic, scheduled floor sweeping and scrubbing is an integral part of preventative maintenance and maintaining positive employee morale. Employees’ personal pride in the workplace and care for the facility is often tied to how well maintained you keep the workplace – including the floors. Regularly scheduled sweeping and scrubbing of […]

Why Sweep Regularly?

Nashville's official sweeping company truck photo Construction Sweeping Parking Lot Sweeping Retail Sweeping Municipal Sweeping Street Sweeping Nashville TN

Have you traveled to an area that had dirty, debris covered roads? Have you ever pulled into a parking lot that was strewn with trash? Regardless of any visible natural beauty in the same area, you were no doubt fixated on the unsightly trash covering the pavement around you. Sadly, there are municipalities and businesses […]